"I choose to tread my own path, for excellence is not found on established ones."

About me

I'm a software developer by trade and game developer by heart. I love to discuss about Video Games, Rendering, Game Design, Narrative in Modern Media and much more. If you like these things as well, we should talk.

I believe that games are a unique new medium, the potential of which is left largely unexplored. Games let us explore fantastical worlds, experience stories on a level other mediums cannot, and drive players to improve their skill (skills which in their turn can be transferable to the real world).

I habitually explore new and unique game designs in my mind. Staying in established genre and game tropes means stagnation for the medium. Completely rethinking gameplay and storytelling and new technologies such as VR and will enable us to step into the future.

Technical Skills

ProgrammingC/C++, C# (.NET 4.5), Java, Python
Game EngineUnity3D, Microsoft XNA, jMonkeyEngine3, Source
3D RenderingOpenGL, DirectX 11 (GLSL/HLSL)
ParallelizationOpenCL, C++ AMP
Web TechnologyHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP
DatabaseMySQL, Cassandra, ElasticSearch

Microsoft Visual Studio, Git, CMake, Make, VIM

Gitlab CI, Jenkins Build Server, Gerrit, SonarQube

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, OneNote)

GIMP, Adobe Photoshop and After Effects